The Tokyo Health Link Website Features that Bring Ease to Patients and Users

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Tokyo Health Link is our second hospital client. Equipped with experience in developing different websites for different purposes, LikhaInternet team did not find it difficult to develop THL’s site.

Before starting the project, we first visited Tokyo Health Link hospital to take photos. We are all photographers by the way. Anyone from our team can take high quality photos for your website. Aside from the photo shoot, an interview with the key people for the content was also conducted during the visit.

Our team believe in the saying, “content is the king” and so along with the good pictures, we created contents that is now helping in Tokyo Health Link’s online searchability. I’m sure everyone knows that a good design alone will not keep people on any site.

Among the features that we included in this website are the translator and the online help desk. Tokyo Health Link is owned by a Japanese couple and most of its clients are Japanese, based here in the Philippines, therefore we have to integrate such features.

THL site contents can be translated into four different languages like English, Japanese, Korean and Chinese. For more, please visit

If you need a website for your company, check out our portfolio and don’t think twice to choose LikhaInternet Inc’s website development services.